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School-Parent Compact

Section 1118(d)(1)(2)(A)(B)(C)

Any school receiving Title I funds must have a School-Parent compact. Section 1118(d) A compact is a voluntary agreement between groups of people and is a component of the school-level parent involvement policy. It outlines how parents, school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.

The school’s responsibility is to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students to meet Oklahoma’s student academic standards.

The parent’s responsibility is to support their child’s learning, such as monitoring attendance, completion of homework, and monitoring television, and other outside activities. Parent’s should also be encouraged to volunteer in their child’s classroom and assist in making decisions relating to the education of their children. Section 1118(d)(1)

School responsibilities: Section 1118(d)(1)

  • Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction;
  • Provide a supportive and effective learning environment; and
  • Enable children to meet with state’s standards.

Parent’s responsibilities: Section 1118(d)(1)

  • Monitor attendance, homework completion, television watching, and other outside activities;
  • Volunteer in their child’s classroom; and
  • Assist with decisions relating to the education of their children.

The law also stresses that the compact should address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis. Section 1118(d)(2)

Communication: Section 1118(d)(2)(A)(B)(C)

  • Conduct parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools, at least annually, during which the compact should be discussed as the compact relates to the child’s achievement;
  • Provide frequent progress reports to parents on their children’s progress; and
  • Provide reasonable access to staff, and opportunities to volunteer and observe in the classroom.

Hilldale Public Schools313 E Peak Blvd.Muskogee, OK  74403


This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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