We are in a very chaotic time in education. The picture truly seems to change very frequently. The Board, administration and teachers association at Hilldale have discussed our plans repeatedly, trying to balance what is best for our state, our district and our students and teachers. Friday, you were notified that we would be in school on Monday. After further conversations Saturday, we must change that. We will not be in school Monday. This provides our teachers an opportunity to stand for education at the capital. We will return to school on Tuesday. We do realize this presents problems for some families and for that we sincerely apologize. Of course, our hope is to make a bigger impact to improve education in Oklahoma, for now and for the future. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience. We truly want to stand with our staff and for education in Oklahoma.
Dr. Kaylin Coody, Superintendent
This note is from our Board:
First and foremost this school board stands behind our teachers. That being said a decision was made on Friday that did not convey that message and made it appear that the board was not supportive. After further review and discussions the school board and administration is in agreement with our teachers and school will be closed on Monday. Our teachers will be at the capital.