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Counselor Connections

September 2024

The school year has started and I have enjoyed meeting our new students and seeing our returning students.  Students are welcome to come to my office at any time and parents are always welcome to contact me with any concerns, as well.  I look forward to a happy and emotionally happy school year!

Character Word of the Month


Being consistently good in quality or performance.

Reliability is something earned over a period of time, after consistently being honest, always acting with integrity, never lying or misleading.


During October I will meet with each grade and work on their Ok Career Guide, this is a mandatory activity by the State of Oklahoma to be completed each year before they can graduate. 

6th grade will create their account and take an interest assessment.

7th grade will take their interest inventory and browse through some career options.

8th grade will take the academic assessment, choose 3 top career choices as well as browse through options.


Upcoming Dates:

Oct. 15-Middle School Character assembly

Oct 15-Middle School Fun Day Afternoon

Oct 16-18-No School/Fall Break

Oct 28-Nov 1-Red Ribbon Week

Oct 28-Wear red and crazy sock day

Oct 29-Wear neon and crazy hair day

Oct 30-Wear Pjs or Camoflauge Day

Oct 31-wear Halloween costume (no weapons or masks)

Nov. 1-Wear team spirit Day







Hilldale Public Schools313 E Peak Blvd.Muskogee, OK  74403


This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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